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Constellation Awards $500 for our After School Matters Program
October 13, 2018
Constellation Awards $500 for our After School Matters Program

The Norcross High School Foundation for Excellence (NHSFE) is proud to announce the award of  Constellation’s Community Champions grant of $500 for the After School Matters program.  “NHSFE appreciates Constellation’s support and recognition of the After School Matters program and of our efforts to improve the NHS community,” said Sandy Greenstein, NHSFE co-President and Constellation customer. After School Matters(ASM) is solely funded by NHSFE. ASM provides a safe environment for high-risk students to focus on academic skills and make after school time productive. In 2017-18, 90% of students enrolled in the program were failing 1 or more classes at the beginning of the school year. By the end of year, over 89% were passing all their classes. 

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