David Saville graduated as a Norcross High School special education student in 2008. To David, having Down syndrome has never been a disability. While at Norcross, David was elected the Football Manager of the Year two times, became a Thespian, an Eagle Scout, a member of the Norcross National Honor Society, and was awarded the 2008 Outstanding Achievement Award by the AADD (All About Developmental Disabilities). He is well known in the Norcross community with his bright smile and ability to instantly make your day better. In 2011, he was accepted into the Clemson University ClemsonLIFE post-secondary education program and is now finishing his third year there. As he transitions to independent living, David leaves his off-campus apartment each morning, rides the bus to work at Ingles, then heads to campus to attend class and work for the football team. David is well known on the Clemson Campus as their football manager and the biggest cheerleader for ClemsonLIFE. He has been an inspiration to many in the special needs community by overcoming his disability and achieving many goals. He has inspired countless coaches, athletes and friends to take what God has given them, make the best of it, and leave a legacy for others.