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Kim Janis, Parent and Foundation Board Member
Kim Janis, Parent and Foundation Board Member
Kim Janis and her husband Michael moved to Atlanta in 1991 from Reading, PA where she was born and raised. They started a family and quickly became immersed in the local community. Like many mothers, Kim started by volunteering in her oldest daughter’s classroom. That grew into 15 years of holding multiple positions in all three Norcross schools, often concurrently. Highlights include the executive board of Simpson Elementary PTA, President of Pickneyville Middle School PTSA, and numerous hours working on high school Booster Club activities for band, swimming, and baseball. In 2007 Kim was asked to join the Foundation for Excellence board. In 2008 she helped with the Gala and by 2009 took over the chair position. Under her leadership from 2009-2012 the Gala has been the largest fundraiser for the Foundation for Excellence, raising over $400,000. She was instrumental is moving the gala to a larger location and coordinating local business donations. In addition to her volunteer activities, Kim owns her own business, The Beaded Dragonfly. She combined her passion for jewelry with her artistic talents and creates and sells her own jewelry at art shows in and around the city.Kim and Michael’s two oldest children, (Chandler, 21 and Connor, 19) are now students at the University of Georgia. With Carlyn, 14, however, still at Pickneyville, Kim’s volunteer career within the Norcross school system is far from over.

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