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Mr. Lee Newman has served as the Director of Bands at Norcross High School since 2011. His duties include directing the Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Blue Devil Marching Band, Brass studies, Leadership, and teaching International Baccalaureate music classes. During his time at Norcross, Mr. Newman has continued a proud tradition of excellence. Mr. Newman’s ensembles have been invited to perform at the Georgia State Honor Bands of Distinction in 2013, 64th Annual UGA January Music Festival in 2014, the 2015, 2018, and 2020 Music for All Southeastern Regional Concert festival, the 2018 and 2020 Yamaha National Concert Festival, and the 2021 and 2022 Georgia Music Educators In- Service Conference. Mr. Newman has served in multiple leadership roles including NHS Fine Arts Department Chair, Gwinnett County High School Band Co Lead Teacher, District 13 Band Chair, and District 13 Chair. He was also named the Norcross High School Teacher of the Year for the 2019-2020 school year.Prior to his appointment at Norcross, Mr. Newman was the Director of Bands at Elbert County Comprehensive High School in Elberton, Georgia from 2003-2011. Mr. Newman has received two degrees in music education from the University of Georgia (BMus 2001 and MMed 2003). While at UGA, Mr. Newman studied conducting with Dr. John Culvahouse and Professor Alan Crowell and trumpet with Dr. Edward Sandor. He continues to be active as a performer, clinician, and leadership consultant.His professional affiliations include the National Band Association, Georgia Music Educators Association, and the National Association for Music Education. In his free time, Mr. Newman enjoys running. He and his wife, Katie, have been married since 2003. They have two children, Charlotte (14) and Clark (9).