Nathan Ballantine began his educational career at Norcross High School. He taught science for 5 years, serving as department chair for 1 year and coaching girls’ soccer for 4 years. Nathan orchestrated the move of the school from Beaver Ruin Rd. to its current location on Spalding Drive. His peers named him Teacher of the Year in 2003 and he was known for his consistent reliability and encouraging support. After receiving his master’s degree, he became an Assistant Principal in 2005, giving focus to testing, discipline and the math department. He also served as the AP over summer school, continuing on to become Director of Summer School for all of Gwinnett County. Nathan speaks fondly of his time at Norcross and the power of his peers. He attributes constant positive influence, support, trust and accountability to his own personal growth and achievement. Nathan received his Specialist degree in Educational Leadership in 2010 and became Principal at North Gwinnett High School in November, 2013, where he is known by the students as a caring leader with high expectations.