Hall of Fame

Kirk Barton
Kirk Barton was hired to teach and coach at Norcross High School in 1999.  At the time Coach Barton taught Health and PE, and coached football and girls track.  In 2007 he took over as Activities and Athletic Director.  In 2008 Coach Barton became a full-time administrator and ended his coaching career.  Since he became […]
Weare Gratwick
Weare Gratwick has over 35 years of banking experience and has served as a community leader in Peachtree Corners for over 25 years. Currently, Weare is the Gwinnett Market President for Tandem Bank in Peachtree Corners and serves as the Vice Mayor on the City Council of Peachtree Corners. Weare joined the Norcross High School […]
Lynne Z Kliesrath
Lynne Zickel Kliesrath began volunteering at Walnut Grove Elementary in 1996 when her oldest daughter started kindergarten.  She continued to be an active volunteer in the Collins Hill cluster until her twin daughters graduated in 2010.  She served on all three schools’ PTA Executive Boards and their School Councils.  Among her many volunteer jobs, Lynne […]
Carrie and Jed DeLong
Jed and Carrie have lived in Peachtree Corners for 22 years, are Atlanta natives, and are proud graduates of local public schools.  Their youngest daughter, Remi, graduated from Norcross High School in 2021.  Jed and Carrie feel strongly about supporting educators and investing in future generations. They began serving at Cornerstone Christian Academy in 2008 […]
Dr. Phyllis Alexandra Gerard
Dr. Phyllis Alexandra Gerard was born 60 years ago on the small island of St. Croix in the United States Virgin Islands. She is the youngest of four children and proud of her Afro Caribbean Latin American Heritage. Dr. Gerard graduated from St. Croix Country Day school in 1980 and then made her way to […]
Lee Newman
Mr. Lee Newman has served as the Director of Bands at Norcross High School since 2011.  His duties include directing the Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Blue Devil Marching Band, Brass studies, Leadership, and teaching International Baccalaureate music classes.  During his time at Norcross, Mr. Newman has continued a proud tradition of excellence. Mr. […]
Jeff Holcombe
Jeff Holcombe, the son of a Navy veteran, has lived in many places across the US including Florida, Michigan, and New York. He settled in Peachtree Corners in 2000 and found a home with friends, family, Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, and a school he loves. Jeff developed a devotion for all things Norcross High School […]
Tracy O’Leary
Tracy and her husband Pat have enjoyed living in Peachtree Corners for 28 years and, with their three children (Michael 30, Colin 28 & Maggie 22), celebrated over 20 years of “first days” in the Norcross Cluster schools.  Living in a community that has given so much to her family, Tracy has been passionate about […]
Corey Richardson
Corey Richardson has been teaching and coaching in the Norcross cluster for over 21 years.  He began his teaching career at Summerour Middle School where he served for 1.5 years before he transferred to Norcross.   For the past 19 years, Corey has been teaching Health and coaching at Norcross.  Since 2006, Corey has served as […]
Stephanie and Tye Hanna
Tye and Stephanie are parents to two NHS graduates and have contributed much of their time and financial support to many NHS programs over the past decade. Throughout this time, they have served as officers of the football, baseball and soccer booster clubs, as Board members of the Norcross Foundation and PTSA, and have supported the band and many other sports booster clubs. They also helped establish and continue to support the After-School Matters Program which provides after-school learning opportunities for at-risk students.
Dave Huffman
Dave Huffman is a long-serving member of the Norcross community. He served several years as an officer for the Norcross band program and was the facilities coordinator for the Taste of Norcross fundraising event held at the high school. In addition to serving NHS, Dave has also spent the past ten years volunteering two days a week at Pinckneyville Middle School in the Media Center. Dave currently serves as President of the Peachtree Corners Festival committee which puts on a summer festival and holiday parade. Working with his church, Dave helps refugees establish themselves in the community with homes, furniture, jobs, immunizations and enrolling their children in schools. NHS is grateful for his gift of time, his talents and for his support as a Challenger of the Foundation.
Jesse McMillan
Jesse has been the Head Coach for Boys Basketball at Norcross High School for 11 years and has been a teacher and coach at Norcross for 19 years. He spent 12 years in the Norcross High School Language Arts Department before transitioning to Health & PE classes. During his time as head coach, Norcross won […]
Jenny and Bob Chapin
Jenny and Bob are the parents of four boys, including 2009, 2013, 2016, and 2018 NHS graduates. They have been involved with numerous activities at Norcross over the years, including soccer, baseball and the arts. They have served as Board members of the Norcross High School Foundation for Excellence since 2007 and 2008 respectively, and they also served as co-Presidents. The couple epitomizes what being part of the community means and are generous donating their time and knowledge for the greater good of Norcross.
Angie Hembree
Angie taught and coached at Norcross High School for 10 years. During her 10-year coaching tenure she led the Lady Blue Basketball team to four state championships ( 2010, 2011, and 2013), two times state runner-up ( 2015 and 2017), and the Final Four in 2012.
Dawn Muchow
As a mother of three NHS graduates with a 10-year gap in age between the oldest and youngest, Dawn has been volunteering in Norcross Cluster schools and the community for many years. In addition to serving in various positions on Simpson Elementary and Pinckneyville PTSA Executive Boards, she also served as Treasurer of Norcross High PTSA, NHS Swim and Dive Booster Club, and the Fields Club Swim Team.
Elizabeth Frisbee
Elizabeth Frisbee is a phenomenal educator who is proud to be at a school where academics, fine arts and athletics all occur at high levels.
Gina Parrish
Gina Parrish is a successful Norcross High School drama teacher. Comedies, Dramas, or Musicals, it doesn’t matter; her students’ shows are always amazing.
Harris Patel
Harris Patel is an alumnus of Norcross High School, class of 1992. Currently, Harris is the Director of Sports Medicine for Norcross High School and continues.
Keith Maloof
Coach Maloof is a graduate of the University of West Georgia. While there he played on their National Championship football team.
Melvin Melton
Melvin Melton has been at NHS for 16 years. He is currently the Head Custodian, but is much more than that to the Norcross community.
Alex Ward
While a 9th grader at NHS, Alex volunteered to announce softball games and run the scoreboard. He continued to do this for the next five years.
Martha Cook
Martha Cook is a retired NHS art teacher who help build the school’s excellent art department. Under her leadership, Atlanta Magazine selected the school’s Fine Arts Department as one of the top 10 programs in the Atlanta area. She was nominated multiple times for Teacher of the Year, and with others helped found and sponsor […]
Debbie Mason
Debbie Mason is a former President of the PTSA at Norcross High School. She led several initiatives which have become hallmark activities at Norcross including Taste of Norcross, Ghost Out, and the creation of the ‘Blue Devil Bulletin’. She led many fundraising campaigns for Project Graduation which continues today as a successful event for NHS […]
Nathan Ballentine
Nathan Ballantine began his educational career at Norcross High School. He taught science for 5 years, serving as department chair for 1 year and coaching girls’ soccer for 4 years. Nathan orchestrated the move of the school from Beaver Ruin Rd. to its current location on Spalding Drive. His peers named him Teacher of the […]
Bill Bryant
As a student at Norcross High during the 1960’s, Bill was called “racehorse” by his peers because he was the slowest runner on the basketball team. He didn’t let the nickname keep him away from the game, however. In the days before computers and even calculators, NHS coaches found in Bill a quick and accurate […]
Maria Chininis
Known for her genuine love for students, Maria Chininis made a lasting impression on hundreds of students and their families during her 8 years at Norcross High School, where she served as an Assistant Principal giving focus to the International Baccalaureate program and the Language Arts department. Maria’s joy permeated everything she did. Whether she […]
Kim Janis, Parent and Foundation Board Member
Kim Janis and her husband Michael moved to Atlanta in 1991 from Reading, PA where she was born and raised. They started a family and quickly became immersed in the local community. Like many mothers, Kim started by volunteering in her oldest daughter’s classroom. That grew into 15 years of holding multiple positions in all […]
Dr. Jonathan Patterson, Former Principal of Norcross High School
Dr. Jonathan S. Patterson, former principal of Norcross High School, is a native of Gwinnett County. During Dr. Patterson’s tenure as principal of NHS, his passion for education motivated students and inspired teachers generating an environment of teaching excellence and a culture of high expectations for student performance. His involvement and support of the PTSA, […]
David Saville, Former NHS Student
David Saville graduated as a Norcross High School special education student in 2008. To David, having Down syndrome has never been a disability. While at Norcross, David was elected the Football Manager of the Year two times, became a Thespian, an Eagle Scout, a member of the Norcross National Honor Society, and was awarded the […]
Richard Southerland
Richard started his teaching career at the Dekalb Alternative Open Campus serving kids who didn’t fit into a typical school program. He later joined the Navy flight school , and upon leaving the military came back to the Atlanta area and landed a teaching job at NHS in the early 1980’s. Richard started Gwinnett County’s […]
Susan Stripling (posthumous)
Susan, a native Atlantan, graduated from Sylvan High School, Mercer University, and Georgia State. After teaching at Therrell High School, she moved to Gwinnett County and started teaching at NHS in 1974. She chaired the English department for 20 years and was known for her focus on grammar and heavy emphasis on vocabulary. Students had […]
Cass York
A Wisconsin native, Cass started her teaching career in the Norcross cluster in 1985, followed by 18 years as administrative assistant to three principals. She was heavily involved in organizing the move of NHS from Beaver Ruin to its present location on Spalding Drive, and served as the School Council secretary from its inception until […]
Paula Parris
A retired NHS foreign language teacher who was innovative in her teaching methods. A very petite woman, Paula perfectly exemplifies the saying “dynamite comes in small packages.”
Ann Schintzius
A former NHS Math teacher, athletic coach and class sponsor who received the Teacher of the Year Award and perpetually earned the respect of her students and colleagues.
Harvey Snider
The father of several NHS graduates and served, among other duties, as an officer of multiple booster clubs. Harvey is The Voice of NHS Basketball.
Cheryl Collins
Cheryl Collins is a parent of two NHS graduates. During her years playing a supporting role in all of the activities of Brad (ClemsonUniversity) and Mark (MiddleGeorgiaCollege), Cheryl served as an officer and Board member for PTSA, Orchestra Booster Club, Roller Hockey Booster Club, Taste of Norcross, and the Foundation for Excellence. Cheryl is credited […]
Aaron and Jan Lupuloff
Aaron and Jan Lupuloff are the parents of three NHS graduates – Dana and Jason at Georgia Tech, and Jami at UGA. These two dynamos immersed themselves in countless volunteer responsibilities at NHS, including officer positions in football, soccer, cheerleading, cross country, and basketball booster clubs. They actively supported the Taste of Norcross and the […]
Daniela Taylor
Daniela Taylor, a retired NHS physics teacher, served as the NHS science department chair for 20 years. A self-proclaimed “Dumpster Diver” who retrieved beakers and other equipment from science-related companies near the school, Ms. Taylor went to great lengths to procure resources for her classes, including personal pleas for financial support to TechnologyParkexecutives. She is […]
Kirsten Mixter Baker
Kirsten Mixter Baker served in numerous capacities as a science teacher, coach and adviser during her 10 years at Norcross High School. She also served on the foundation board and was active in other community and educational organizations. She is a graduate of Cornell University and holds a masters degree from Georgia State University and […]
Nathan Slaff
Nathan Slaff was asked by Principal Mary Ann Charon during the 2003 – 2004 school year to restart the Norcross High School Foundation for Excellence (the “Foundation”) after it had been dormant for several years. He served on the Foundation Board for nearly six years and was president for four. When asked about Foundation achievements, […]
Susan Highsmith Graveline
Susan Highsmith Graveline in 1998 founded Mothers and Daughters Against Cancer, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support cancer research. As a cancer survivor, her passion for this cause has helped push Gwinnett County to national recognition in the Relay for Life fundraiser. She has also served on the board of the […]
Hilary P. Jordan
Hilary P. Jordan served on the Norcross High School Foundation for Excellence board from 2004-2008, providing legal counsel and ensuring that the group was in full legal compliance for a charitable organization. Jordan, a partner with the Kilpatrick Stockton law firm, and his wife, Judy, have two children who graduated from NHS. They were active […]
Penny Whiteaker
Penny Whiteaker was an educator for 37 years, with 27 at Norcross where she served as chair of the Health and Physical Education Department. She was an assistant basketball and tennis coach, sponsored the Student Council and Junior Civitan Club and started a faculty wellness program. Both of her children attended NHS, and she was […]
J. Alvin Wilbanks
J. Alvin Wilbanks has 45 years of experience as a teacher and administrator and has headed the Gwinnett County school system for 14 years as of 2009. The school system, the largest in Georgia, has drawn national attention for the way it operates and has shown that committed leadership and dedicated teachers can reach students […]
Lucy Maddox
Past students still fondly remember the impact Ms. Maddox had on them as an inspiring teacher and mentor. She taught at Norcross High School from the early 1960’s to mid 1980’s. She remains active in local politics and she and her husband still reside in the city of Norcross.”Teaching is all about the students. They […]
Collier Westmoreland
Collier Westmoreland was posthumously inducted and his wife, Brenda, accepted the award on his behalf. His career began at Norcross High School in 1965 teaching Social Studies and coaching football. His coaching expertise expanded to include basketball, track and soccer. He remained at Norcross until 1986. After retiring he found his way back to Norcross […]
Chuck Whelan
Chuck Whelan is the father of two Norcross High School graduates and continues to support many activities, particularly the sports programs. Since 1998 he has given over 60 scholarships to graduating seniors in baseball and football. This year he has extended his scholarship commitment to the Fine Arts department. Off the field he has helped […]
Anne and Kevin Case
Anne and Kevin Case are the proud parents of four NHS graduates. Tirelessly giving of their time and talents, Anne envisioned and co-chaired the highly successful “A Taste of Norcross” for the first three years. She also started the Catalyst Lunches and was a staunch PTSA member. Kevin was on the Local School Council and […]
Mary Anne Charron
Mary Anne Charron is a former NHS Principal and was instrumental in raising academics to a new level at Norcross. Through her leadership, Norcross expanded the International Baccalaureate program by 600% and had over $4.5 million in scholarships awarded in 2006. During her tenure, Norcross High School was recognized, for two years running, as one […]
Mike Emery
Mike Emery is currently the Director of Athletics, Student Activities & Community Schools for Gwinnett County Public Schools. Mike Emery gallantly served Norcross High School for 23 years as a former Athletic/Activities Director and teacher. Coach Emery helped build the athletic and activities infrastructure that led Norcross High to a AAAAA State Championship Basketball team, […]
Dorothy Lewis
Dorothy Lewis taught mathematics and touched the lives of countless students for 27 years at Norcross High School.
Dr. Mary Kay Murphy
Dr. Mary Kay Murphy has served on the Gwinnett County School Board since 1997 representing the Norcross cluster. Dr. Murphy has demonstrated the talents and knowledge necessary for a civic leader of excellence.
Bert Nasuti
Bert Nasuti has served in various positions in the Gwinnett County government and is currently the Gwinnett County Commissioner for District 2 which includes the Norcross area.
Judi Rogers
Judi Rogers is the former Principal of Norcross High School. Mrs. Rogers was instrumental in bringing the prestigious International Baccalaureate Program to NHS and a key force in moving Norcross High School to its new campus on Spalding Drive.
Mayor Lillian Webb
Mayor Lillian Webb first became mayor of Norcross in 1974 and made history 20 years ago when she became the first woman elected chairman of the Gwinnett County Commission. Mrs. Webb is also a graduate of Norcross High School; and demonstrates the art of giving back to one’s own community.
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